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African penguin
پنگوئن آفریقایی
The African penguin is a small, flightless bird that lives on islands off the coast of southern Africa
لنگر کشتی
An anchor is a heavy metal device that holds a ship in place
Boats float in the water
blue shark
کوسه آبی
The blue shark is a sleek, fast-swimming shark with blue skin
blue whale
نهنگ آبی
The blue whale is the biggest animal that ever lived. It eats tiny food that it sieves through baleen
bowhead whale
نهنگ سرکمانی
The bowhead whale is a large whale that eats tiny food that it sieves through baleen
Breaching is when whales jump high out of the water. Sometimes whales spin around while they are breaching
bull shark
کوسه نره گاو
The bull shark is a dangerous predator that has a flattened snout
صدف دوکفه ای
Clams are animals with two shells. They burrow under the sand
clown fish
دلقک ماهی
The clown fish is a colorful fish that lives with sea anemones
صدف حلزونی
The conch is a large, shelled animal from warm seas
cookiecutter shark
نوعی کوسه
The cookiecutter shark is a small shark that takes circular bites out of its prey. Also known as the luminous or cigar shark
Coral is a tiny ocean animal that lives in colonies. Some corals leave a hard, stony skeleton when they die
coral reef
صخره مرجانی
Coral reefs are warm, clear, shallow ocean habitats that are rich in life
A crab has a hard shell and eyes on stalks on its head
ده پا
The cuttlefish is a close relative of the octopus and the squid
نوعی ماهی
Angelfish are brightly-colored fish that live in warm water
نوعی کوسه
Angelsharks are sharks that have flat bodies and live on the ocean floor
basking shark
کوسه ماهی خاویار
The basking shark is huge and eats very tiny animals that float in the ocean
beluga whale
نوعی نهنگ
The beluga is a small, white, toothed whale that lives mostly in cold, arctic waters
dogfish shark
کوسه سگ ماهی
The dogfish shark is a small, very common shark that is found all over the world. It is not dangerous to people
A dolphin is a marine mammal with a long nose and teeth. Dolphins are whales
Dugongs are gentle, slow-swimming, aquatic mammals